+359 884 165 401 center@chairo.info


Confirm or discover your calling and begin to lay out a detailed career development plan by using the instrument Career Direct® – an in-depth assessment that includes more than 500 questions and looks at four dimensions of personality – in combination with insightful input from your experienced consultant.

Through the use of the Personality I.D. assessment the consultation will help you see a detailed image of your strengths and non-strengths across 22 personality attributes, important in all types of personal and work interactions.

Most conflicts couples have are caused by not understanding each other’s differences. Couples profiling provides a visual comparison of two individuals accross 22 personality attributes. The consultatation will shed light on your past and prepare you for the future.

An excellent solution for team leaders and employers, Team Profiling allows you to select and position team members based on who they are and what goals the team has to achieve. You are provided with graphic charts of a team profile where you can add and remove members in real time and see how that changes the overall profile of the team.

The strength of a good consultant is the ability to ask probing questions and think “outside the box”. They also bring a fresh perspective which in most cases is exactly what you need to sort out your issues. Free-form consulting provides a tailor-made service customized for your specific needs and agenda.


The MONEY IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD workshop is designed to challenge us to delineate the contours of a specifically Christian approach to managing material resources. It will not offer prepackaged answers to every possible question on the topic (for this is practically impossible) but will provide a foundational framework and will challenge participants towards a certain way of thinking through these kinds of issues.

The CAREER DEVELOPMENT workshop is designed to challenge us to delineate the contours of a theology of everyday life. It will not offer prepackaged answers to every possible question on the topic but will provide a foundational framework and will challenge participants towards a certain way of thinking through these kinds of issues. This approach encourages the exercise of creativity and supports the development of reasonable and responsible practices.

The SACRED BUSINESS workshop is designed to challenge us to delineate the contours of a specifically Christian approach to entrepreneurship and business management. It will not offer prepackaged answers to every possible question on the topic but will provide a foundational framework and will challenge participants towards a certain way of thinking through these kinds of issues. This approach encourages the exercise of creativity and supports the development of reasonable and responsible practices.